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Friday, May 29, 2009

GPS - How It Got On Your Dashboard

By Matt Meeano

Humans have always sought to use tools to help them survive. Through out millennia, Mankind has used tools to adapt and overcome the sometimes harsh environment he has found himself in. As time has dragged on, Man has fashioned ever more complex and high tech tools. These tools have enabled him to build the hunt for game, build the Pyramids and cross oceans. Today, that same thirst for invention has given us GPS, or Global Positioning system

GPS has so wormed its way into our culture that millions of people are using it all around the globe this very minute in order to get from Point A to Point B and to pinpoint their present location. To understand exactly why these people are using GPS to help them in their daily lives, it is good to understand a bit more about the technology that allows it to work.

As you may already know, GPS is used around the world in navigating land and sea. This is accomplished via a constant connection to satellites in geo-synchronous orbit above the Earth. The satellites send signals to the GPS units and the receivers in the units take this signal and the information is relayed back to the satellite. The information that is decoded and translated is then used to determine the units exact position on the Earth.

While the original GPS system of satellites was only used by the United States military in the 1970s and 1980s, the technology has been made available to everyday people since the 1990s. The limited release in the early years meant that the price of GPS units was very high. Now that GPS has become more widespread, you can get a good unit for less than $200.

All this makes GPS technology affordable to consumers everywhere. And since it has become more affordable, GPS systems are now seemingly in every vehicle on the road. By helping you make sure you are going the right direction, GPS saves you time, money and frustration on your next trip.

You can purchase a GPS unit in one of two ways. You can buy a unit for your dashboard and remove it each time you leave the vehicle alone. Or you can get the GPS unit installed into your dashboard as an option when you purchase the vehicle.

GPS has made the time honored journey of a piece of technology that benefits people in peacetime that was originally developed for warfare. - 21392

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