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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Avoid Danger On The Streets With Your Portable Breathalyzer

By Rusty Duchuss

The worst accidents that happen often involve people that are drinking and driving. In most of those cases, they are people that thought that they were okay to drive and failed to pass a DUI test after the fact. These are the exact situations that a portable breathalyzer can prevent from ever happening. Add one of these devices to your glove compartment and the life you save may be your own.

The amount of people that go out and have a drink and then get behind the wheel is staggering. Everyone thinks that they can handle it. When they have 5 beers and get home safe, they push the limit and have a few more the next time around. The question is, when are you past legal and what are you going to do if you are pulled over by a cop and have to take a breathalyzer test.

One of the easiest ways to see if you are okay to drive, as common sense rarely wins over in this situation, is to carry a portable breathalyzer with you and keep it in your car. This is a small investment in something that could literally save your life and that of others.

Portable breathalyzers work in much the same way of the unit that the police carry with them and that they use for testing on DUI drivers. By having one yourself, you can check your own status before you ever get behind the wheel of the car to think about driving.

When you get behind the wheel of your vehicle after drinking, you are not only risking your life, but also that of any car or person that is out on the roads and sidewalks at the same time that you are traveling. Does your pride mean that much to you that you are willing to put all of those lives at risk?

Another added benefit of having a portable breathalyzer is that safety of your friends. How many times have you been out when you knew your buddy had one too many, yet there was no convincing him that he was not okay to drive. Imagine the impact when you can prove to him via a breathalyzer test that if he were stopped, he would be going to jail.

Breathalyzer?s come in all shapes and sizes and are up and down the price scale. You can spend under $10 to get a very basic model or you can get one that will stand up to any test for a little less than $100. While the decision of the quality is up to you, there really is no excuse not to have one if you are getting behind the wheel.

A portable breathalyzer is an easy safety device that should be in every car. Anyone that has ever been out drinking and then decided to drive home has more than likely done so thinking that they were in total control when in fact they would have failed a test. This device can have sobering effects and most importantly, it can save lives. - 21392

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