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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saving Money On Automobile Insurance

By Susan Reynolds

We all want to save the most money possible on automobile insurance. With gasoline prices and repair costs becoming more expensive, the last thing that any of us wants is to be faced with an enormous bill for automobile insurance. So, what can the average driver do to reduce the cost of purchasing insurance? There are several methods of reducing this expense, but perhaps the best kept secret in the industry is the fact that automobile insurers offer discounts to their customers. These discounts reduce annual premium costs to policyholders just like you.

Although these discounts are available, they are not automatically offered. Accordingly, to take advantage of them, you often must be proactive and ask for them. It has been estimated that policyholders overpay for automobile insurance to the tune of millions of dollars per year based upon their failure to ask for discounts that are available. When shopping for automobile insurance, remember to ask whether you qualify for the following discounts. Of course, discounts vary from locale to locale and from insurer to insurer.

A couple more well known discounts are ?good driver? discounts and anti-theft discounts. ?Good driver? discounts are given to policy holders that make no claims on their records. They are essentially trying to help their customers drive more carefully on the roads in hopes of preventing accidents by giving them incentives in the form of discounted insurance. Most companies will increase that discount percentage for every year you go accident free. Putting anti-theft devices in you vehicle is another potential discount. Insurance companies want drivers to put these devices in their vehicles in order to decrease the millions the companies shell out for their customers? cars that are burgled each year. Do not forget to ask about this discount if you have these devices in you vehicle.

Another discount that may be available is based upon advanced driver training. The insurance companies believe that a more highly trained driver runs a lower risk of accident than a less experienced driver. Therefore, if you have taken an advanced driver training course, it may entitle you to a discount, especially if you are newly licensed.

A multi-policy discount is yet another option. Insurance companies want as much business as they can from each policy holder. Therefore, they encourage those who have car insurance with them to also get home insurance or life insurance. Getting multiple policies with the same company allows you to take advantage of discounts often on each of the policies.

Similar to the above discount, many companies will have a multiple vehicle discount. If you are a multi-vehicle family and insure all the automobiles with the same company, you are eligible for this discount. Say you do not use one of these vehicles often; ask about the low mileage discount. Those who drive 5000 miles or less a year may qualify for this discount as well.

Above are just a few options to help lower the cost of your insurance policy. Ask you local agent about these and any other discounts for which you may be eligible. Car insurance companies want to insure low risk clients. Take advantage of this. - 21392

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