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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Determents My Insurance Price?

By Wayne Truter

Car insurance in the United Kingdom is compulsory and can save you loads of money, especially when you get caught with out it. Lets be fair is it worth it to lose your car or license for not play by the rules. Car insurance companies can be expensive but there is companies out there that just might have the great deal you have been looking for. Even if you stay in a another remote country it is always a good thing to be insured you might never know what is around the next corner. When your license is taken away because you would not pay insurance you will lose much more than just you licence.

The age factor is most likely the most important factor when it comes to premium evaluation! This said I will explain, it a recent studies it is proven that the younger drivers are the once that are more likely to get in a car accident due to inexperience behind the steering wheel and on the road. This does not mean the older drivers are less worse drivers that the youth but in most cases are more responsible and not boy racers!

Ah the gender topic that is so debatable between bought sides of the sexes! Woman is better drivers than men! I can hear all the men going, "Aagh". But yeah that is how the cookie crumbles, in studies it have shown that they are and there for if you are a woman you are in luck to get cheaper car insurance!

The last part that will determine the premium of your insurance is the fact that the longer you drive the better driver you are. It is broken down in sections of years you have you licence years you have no claims and how many points you got on your license. To get the best premium you will need to have been driving basically more that twenty years and have at least a record of five years no claims bonus.

Always remember to keep record of all your documents. You might need it for future reference. Controversy - 21392

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