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Monday, November 9, 2009

Memories Of A Used Jeep

By Gregory Paul

I spent my elementary years in a rustic place in the highlands of a mountainous province in the Philippines. It wasn't that far but because of the road conditions back then, the nearest city is about 6 hours away, and it would take 8 hours to reach my hometown.

My grandfather was a former city boy who later in his life opted and has grown to love rural living. About once a month he would take us back to our city hometown to visit our relatives. Back in the city during those days, I would envy those who were in cars with rolled up windows and air conditioning. I would often dream of one day traveling and arriving in my hometown in a brand new automobile enclosed and protected from dust and heat.

You can imagine how astonishing it is for me, to hear people and friends approach my grandpa and talk to him about his amazing jeep, how quick and easy it is for us to get to our hometown from where we came from. I would hear them say that they would be willing to trade their automobiles for my grandpa's jeep. Are they crazy? They have a brand new rig, and ours was a second hand contraption.

That old jeep was purchased second hand by my grandfather. Firstly, he had it repainted a deep brown shade for a new look. Originally, the jeep didn't have comfortable front seats so grandpa found some seats of an old car and had it reupholstered.

The trips we had with that jeep were really long ones. Grandpa always got gasoline rations from his company, and sometimes would receive gifts in the form of gasoline rations from some uncles. He had that kind of effect on people. A lot of guys always wanted to please him and make him happy. The original gasoline tank that didn't hold so much just wouldn't do so he installed this tank from an old truck. It ate up all of the front row area under the seats.

Grandpa had leather roofings installed on the jeep. He had a little electric fan connected to the ride, and installed his portable miniature television set to it. Despite me wanting a new car so much back then, I have to admit we did have an awesome ride.

That jeep has been with us since I was in the third grade. I remember grandpa taking me to the airport in the rig when I was leaving to attend college in the capital region. By then it has been with us for a decade already. When I came home after graduation, my grandfather was already too old to make the trip. The jeep was still with him though.

It might have been a used jeep when we got it, but it gave our family service that eclipsed all other vehicles that we ever had. It has exceeded all expectations when it came to performance, and the memories we shared with that old timer is far more cherished than any other car we had.

It is true that a used car that is cared and loved for holds a greater value than anything you could buy new. Ours gave us the ride of our lives. - 21392

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