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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Save Money On Gas at Any Price Level

By Dan Patterson

Gas prices nationwide continue to go up and down. It wasn't all that long ago that prices were around $4 a gallon, and now we're seeing prices above $2 again.

So let me ask you this: did you make any changes to your driving and gassing up habits when prices were high? Are these habits still helping you save money on gas now that prices are lower than what they were? If not, why not?

We are creatures of habit, and I would assume that most people just went back to their old habits when the prices went down. But now the prices are starting to creep up again just like they do every spring. Are you one of those that made permanent changes, or are you getting worried again?

If you have found any products (such as gas additives) or techniques that have helped you to save money, why wouldn't you continue to do those things? Or were you just doing them because it was in style and cool to do so?

No matter what the price level it's still saving me money! If I can save 12% on my gas, it doesn't matter what the current price of gas is. 12% is still 12%, whether it's 12% of $4.00 gas or 12% of $2.00 gas.

Will you continue to use a good gas additive product, inflate your tires, or do the other tips and tricks you may have learned to save money, or will you throw all of that out the window if prices go down? Only you can decide what you're going to do, but I would encourage you to make some permanent changes to save money.

It is a personal decision that all of us will have to make. And honestly, there may not be a right answer to this one. But I hope that enough of us learned from these high gas prices that we will know what to do if and when something like this happens again. - 21392

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