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Monday, June 8, 2009

Convertibles: After the Rain

By Kate Kew

Before I begin to tell you my story, you should know that I am employed by a wholesaler who sells adult diapers (among other things). Part of my job is to deliver adult diapers to local charities; health clinics and hospices, so it is normal for me to have a few packs of adult diapers in the back of my minivan.

My father owns a beautifully restored 1969 Chevrolet Camaro convertible and he loves it more than life itself. Somehow, a few weeks ago, my kid brother was able to talk our father into loaning him that muscle car icon for a Sunday afternoon. My little brother picked up his girlfriend and came over to our home and we all piled into our minivan for a local excursion. Unfortunately my kid brother left the top down on the Camaro and - you guessed it - while we were gone it rained a torrent. We returned to find the floor of the vehicle submerged in over 4 inches of water. Right about then my Dad called to say that he was coming over for dinner and that he would be arriving in ten minutes.

My brother had already started bailing water with a miniature pink pail that my daughter had loaned him from her toy box when I suddenly realized that I had the perfect answer - adult diapers! I quickly pulled a pack from my own vehicle and we all tore into it, submerging the absorbent material into the water. Even though it was my idea, I was astonished at how effective this was. I had read about the absorbent polymers that are in diapers, but to see it in action is simply eye-popping. Eight diapers soaked up all that water in about 40 seconds. I used a couple more diapers to get as much liquid out of the carpets as I could while others used paper towels to get little drops here and there. Hair dryers finished up and were just being unplugged when Dad was spotted coming down the street in his old pickup truck. He still does not know about this incident.

So keep your top up when you're not driving your convertible. And if you want to plan for an emergency, you could do worse than hiding a few adult diapers somewhere in your car. Be careful though, because if your woman finds these types of panties in your car, your sporty image may suffer a little collateral damage. - 21392

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