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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Auto Insurance Cost - The Things That Make Your Premiums Go Through the Roof

By Vernon L. Stevens

Every now and then do you think to yourself, "why do i pay this much for automobile coverage" well, if you have you are not without help. In the U.S. We are required to have automobile insurance, it is the law and no one really wants to go to jail or be sued becuase they don't have auto insurance!

So, we have to have it but why do we have to shell out so much and what factors cause us to pay extra then our fellow citizens? Well there are 100s of factors that might potentially cause you to pay more then your neighbors but the ones beneath tend to cause the greatest increases. So if doable steer clear of the problems below... No pun intended.

1 - Try to uphold a clean record when it comes to traffic citations. If you have a lead foot well you need to stop! A speeding citation will really hurt your wallet/purse. A single speeding ticket can cost you a lot in fines but boy are you going to pay a heck of a lot more on your car insurance policy. How about a 100-300 percent in premium payments?

2 - Do you have a young new driver? If so you are going to pay greatly when they get to driving age. Young adults are a gigantic liability for auto insurance providers. They drive too fast, they do not pay attentions, and they are easily distracted. They are pretty much a wreck waiting to happen ( from the insurance companies' point of view ). Most folks get into at least a small crash by the time they are 21 and this why their premium payments are much greater.

There really isn't a way of dropping payments when it comes to brand new drivers, you just have to shop around from one company to another and hope you discover a good quality deal.

3 -- If you have been in a few minor wrecks or a major incident then you may be paying more then others. In reality you probably are. The one way to fix this is to go to a fresh auto insurance provider, one that offers accident forgiveness programs.

4 - So you have a high performance car? Good for you but you are paying a lot for car insurance. If you want cheaper insurance you need to get rid of the flashy car, sorry!

As I said there are tons of factors that cause coverage prices to change, they go up, they go down. The only way to really make sure you have a fair plan is to look around. Get a couple online quotes and see what you can discovery. Good luck. - 21392

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