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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Following a Road Traffic Accident, What is the Maximum Amount of Compensation I can Claim for a Head Injury?

By David Halbert

If you have been in a road traffic accident, it is important to move fast and get everything in order so you can file a compensation claim quickly. By getting all the information you will need to claim within hours, to ensure the best possible settlement.

To begin with, you have to first start taking snaps of the disaster site. If you have a mobile phone with a camera, you can employ this, or you can ask the police if they will be taking pictures. In addition, make certain you give your statement to the police on the sight of the disaster; followed by the information of the account they have created so your legal representative can obtain access to it.

Before the police arrive, you should go around and get information from the witnesses of the accident. Ask them what they saw and get their contact numbers as they could help you by being witness if needed. Also get the contact insurance information of the driver that caused the accident.

After you have done all this, go to your doctor and ask him for an appropriate checkup. Ascertain you acquire appropriate tests done for the notification of your injuries. Some, like whiplash, might not show till a few hours or even days after the mishap so feel free to go back in a couple of days for a follow up checkup. Once you have visited your doctor, you have to search for a public prosecutor. Your public prosecutor will use all the facts you have collected to file a claim. The amount of reimbursement will depend on the quality of your claim so ascertain to provide all probable facts.

The amount of compensation you will end up receiving will be a combination of a few things. Firstly, you will be square up for any medical injuries you sustained due to the accident. This includes all medical care you may need in future plus the one you have already received. For this data, it is important you talk to your doctor and get estimates.

Another factor compensation claim will be including is the losses you incur. This will include everything from the damage to your vehicle (so make sure you get a quote from the auto repair shop for this) to loss in earnings (for instance if you have to take time off). Furthermore, if there were other people in the car with you, they can all be a part of the claim as well.

Make sure you get all the information your lawyer needs as fast as possible to file your claim at the right time. If you are able to provide compelling evidence of your losses, the amount of compensation will eventually rise. - 21392

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