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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cheap Old Car Maintenance - Three Things To Keep In Mind

By Jason Cromwell

Used cars need maintenance. If you neglect to maintain your old car properly, you are shooting yourself in the foot. Cars need maintenance on a regular basis. By maintaining your car properly, you can add years of life to you cheap old car. It will save you in the long term.

There are dozens if not hundreds of things you need to keep in mind when maintaining your car. Below, I have listed the ones that experience has taught me are the most essential.

1. Your car belt allows your engine to transition its movement into other parts of your car, such as the wheels. Should your car belt ever snap, then you've got a big problem on your hands. Without a car belt, it's not only the wheels that stop turning. Your engine will destroy itself it it runs long enough without a car belt present. Since your engine costs a lot of money, you are wise to take good care of it. This means keeping an eye on your car belt. Replace it in time and you will prevent major car problems in your future.

2. By keeping good maintenance records of your old car, you'll know exactly when to replace or maintain parts. After a certain time and distance, your car will require a belt change, new tires, an oil change, an oil filter change, etc. If you neglect to keep a record of this, sooner or later you will either pay for maintenance too early, or you'll forget to maintain something and end up with a broken car.

3. By changing the oil on a regular basis, you will know exactly what goes into your used car. It is recommended that you use whatever oil the manufacturer of your car recommends. Usually, even the cheapest of oil types make your used car perform well. Cheap oil is much, much better than running fresh out of it and driving without any oil at all. The oil keeps everything running smoothly. If you run out, there will be lots of friction in your car parts. This heavily increases wear and tear.

There are many other things that you can keep in mind when maintaining your old car. Too many to list them all here. These are just the most important ones. The ones that will save you the most money. If you're looking for other information on car maintenance, simply do a few searches online and you are likely to find what you're looking for. Always use the search engines to research the brand and model of the car you are about to buy. You may find out a few things that will make you change your mind. You'll never know if you don't do your proper research.

If you own a cheap old car, it is a good idea to look around for a trustworthy car mechanic. The ones you need to avoid are the ones that try to talk you into replacing more parts than strictly necessary. A good, honest car mechanic will usually try to talk you out of replacing parts that still have some life left in them. Find a good car mechanic and stick with him.

When it comes to used car maintenance, you can save yourself a lot of time, energy and resources by making sure you are an informed buyer. Knowledge is power. This is true everywhere, also in car buying, car ownership and car maintenance. So do yourself a favor by doing your research on cars whenever you are about to buy or maintain one. - 21392

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