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Friday, August 7, 2009

Your Guide to Auto Protection

By Luke Lister

When you're a teenager, you don't really respect the car the way you ought. Instead, you see it as a key to your future happiness and freedom. Every teenager looks forward to the day they get their license so they can get out of the house once in a while. And when they get their own car, it's an even greater day for them. What they don't realize is the need for auto protection. We're talking about those items to include in or on your car to protect both it and them. Here are some of the most important auto protection items you should consider having.

Let's talk first about systems to install in your car to fight off would-be thieves. To do this, you need modern, state-of-the-art car security systems. We're talking about something that will alert when someone tries to open your vehicle without your permission. A car security system is generally designed to work with the maximum types of vehicles, however, it's possible to get one customized specifically for your own car. Of course, each car has its own concerns. Because of this, car makers create different sorts of auto protection systems. Here are a few of the best ones.

First on our list is an audible security system. This one turns on an alarm sound if the windows or doors of a locked car are touched. Ideally this alarm is loud enough for the public around to hear it. The alarms might also be triggered by close contacts by a person (In fact, some people find it annoying that some alarms are too sensitive--so that even distant noises set them off).

On the other hand, there are also inaudible security systems which set off private alerts. As the name hints, this device doesn't create a loud commotion. Instead, whenever someone is about to break into your car, it simply lets you know. It does this by sending you a simple beep or private message. This one also has a down side, though, in that it only works effectively if you're near your car when the theft attempt occurs. Otherwise, the thieves will likely be finished heisting your car by the time you get there.

A third auto protection system is known as an ignition system immobilizer. This one shuts down a car if a would-be driver does not enter the correct code.

All of these systems have down sides, but all will also go far to protecting your car when used correctly. But what about the people inside the car? Let's talk about some items you should keep in or with your car to protect yourself.

Your car needs three separate kits. Kit number one is a roadside kit, to be used when your car breaks down. You'll need to keep a few small tools, road flairs, a red alert flag for your antenna, flashlight as well as a small fire extinguisher for this kit. You'll also want to keep your jumper cables and jack in this kit. Your second kit is for use in case something happens to a person in the car; we're talking, of course, about a first aid kit. Inside this one should be bandages, medical tape, scissors, rubber gloves, painkillers, alcohol swabs, a CPR mask and antibiotic ointment. And finally, the third kit, is for use in case you're stranded because of the weather. It will contain the things to keep you alive and healthy until rescue: blankets, water and food.

Yes, these will cost some money. But is your car and, more importantly, your health, worth it? That's your decision, but we're thinking it probably is. - 21392

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